In 2001 the Commission created the Central Registry of Information on Looted Cultural Property 1933-1945, www.lootedart.com. The Central Registry fulfils Washington Principle VI in setting up a central repository of information on Nazi looting and contemporary efforts to research and resolve all outstanding issues. The Central Registry is an independent charitable body operating under the auspices of the European Association for Jewish Studies, the sole umbrella organisation for academic Jewish studies in Europe.
The Central Registry provides comprehensive information about all aspects of Nazi looting. It contains information and documentation from 49 countries, including laws and policies, reports and publications, archival records and research resources, current cases and useful websites.
It also provides an up-to-date archive of news stories and an object database containing details of over 25,000 objects of all kinds, looted, missing and/or identified from over fifteen countries.
If you would like to receive the Central Registry’s weekly newsletter, which contains the latest international news stories about Nazi-looted cultural property, details of exhibitions and conferences, and information about developments in research and resources, please sign up here.