
Links Part 1

This section includes links for the following:

  • Non-profit claimant organisations - Section 1
  • National and international websites of looted works of art or of art with gaps in its provenance - Section 2
  • Institutions with ongoing provenance research or with provenance information on artworks - Section 3
  • Libraries with ongoing provenance research or with provenance information on books and manuscripts - Section 4
  • Resources for claimants - Section 5
  • National claims processes- Section 6
  • Research resources- Section 7
  • Institutional guidelines - Section 8

If any of these links do not work, please let us know at


UK: Commission for Looted Art in Europe

The Commission is the sole dedicated expert international organisation in this field. Based in London, it assists claimants with advice and guidance and represents claimants from all over the world to identify, locate and recover their looted cultural property. It has been instrumental in the recovery of over 3,500 items for families, institutions and governments.

In addition to the Commission for Looted Art, the following non-profit organisation works with claimants to provide guidance, and to identify and recover looted cultural property:

USA: Holocaust Claims Processing Office


The Central Registry of Information of Looted Cultural Property 1933-1945 at contains a fully searchable database with 25,000 looted artworks from over 12 countries including Austria, the Czech Republic, France, Germany and Hungary.  Country specific websites include the following:

Austria: Art Database of the Austrian National Fund

Czech Republic: Restitution Art Database

Czech Republic: Czech Documentation Centre for Property Transfers of the Cultural Assets of WW II Victims Database

France: ERR (Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg) Database

France: MNR Musées nationaux Récupération 

France:Œuvres récupérées en Allemagne après la chute du IIIème Reich

France: Schloss Collection

Germany: Central Collecting Point Munich

Germany: Federal Office of Adminstration Bundesverwaltungsamt (BVA) 

Germany: Ardelia Hall Collection: Wiesbaden Property Cards

Germany: Hitler's Linz Collection

Germany: Hitler's Private Collection (Katalog der Privat-Gallerie Adolf Hitlers)


The Netherlands: Dutch Museums Acquisitions since 1933

The Netherlands: Origins Unknown Herkomst gezocht 

Poland: Wartime Losses

Russia: Russian Federal Agency for Culture and Cinematography (Rosokhran-Kultura)

United Kingdom: Art database of the Central Registry of Information

United Kingdom: UK Museums' provenance research

USA: Wiesbaden Central Collecting Point Property Cards

USA: US Museums Nazi-Era Provenance Internet Portal




Art Gallery of New South Wales:  Provenance research page; also Database of 34,733 works in their collection with images

National Gallery of Australia: Provenance research, including a list of 82 works with gaps in their provenance; also Database of works in their collection with images

National Gallery of Victoria:  Provenance research, including a list of 46 works with gaps in their provenance; also Database of more than 75,000 works in their collection with images

Queensland Art Gallery: Provenance research, including a list of 41 works with gaps in their provenance; also Database of 19,034 works in their collection with images


Albertina Vienna: Provenance research page; Database of 225,438 works in their collection with images

Belvedere Vienna: Provenance research page; Database of 9,903 works in their collection with images

Kunsthistorisches Museum ViennaProvenance research page; Database of 22,419 works in their collection with images

Lentos Kunstmuseum Linz: Provenance research page; Database of 16,556 works in their collection with images

Leopold Museum Vienna:Provenance research page; Database of works in their collection with provenance details

MAK Museum für angewandte Kunst (Museum of Applied Arts):  Provenance research and restitution page; Database of 324,682 works in their collection with images

Museum der Moderne Salzburg (Museum of Modern Art, Salzburg): Database of some works in their collection with images

Salzburger Landessammlungen (Salzburg Provincial Collections): Provenance research page; Database of some of their works in their collection with images

Tiroler Landesmuseum Ferdinandeum Innsbruck (State Museum of Tyrol, Innsbruck):, and four pdfs to be downloaded:

Oberösterreichisches Landesmuseum (State Museum of Upper Austria, Linz): Provenance research page including a list of 19 works with unknown provenance; Provenienzforschung Sammlung Walther Kastner (Provenance Research Walther Kastner Collection – a collection of 1400 works (paintings, sculptures, coins, Japanese woodprints, prints and drawings): Erster Zwischenbericht 13.10.2010 (First interim report, dated 13 October 2010), Zweiter Zwischenbericht 12.3.2014 (Second interim report, dated 12 March 2014) and Bisherige Restitutionen im OÖ. Landesmuseum (previous restitutions at the Landesmuseum of Upper Austria from 2000-2017)

Universalmuseum Joanneum Graz: Restitution Page and Restitutionsbericht (Works identified from 1999-2010 and restituted)

Wien Museum: Provenance research page with five pdfs of works acquired by the museum between 1940 and later, listed below; also Database of 46,486 works in their collection with images


All listings are of works returned to Belgium after the war which numbered 78 in total and are today in 11 public institutions. Only 6 of the 11 have published the works they hold.

Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten Antwerpen (
Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp): Provenance research page (in Dutch only) listing 21 paintings by the following artists: The beach of Scheveningen by Cornelis Beelt, Landscape with skaters by Adam van Breen, Portrait of a Man and Eva by Lucas Cranach ll, Madonna by Jan Gossaert, Landscape by Jan van Goyen, Triumphal arch in Venice by Francesco Guardi, The card game and The tea hour by Jan Josef Horemans ll, The fruit seller by Jacob Jordaens l, Saint Dorothea of Caesarea in a wreath of flowers by Phillippe de Marlier, Man of sorrows by Master of Saint Veronica, Holy family by Jan Massijs, Singing man by Adriaen van Ostade, Madonna with saints by Pier Francesco Fiorentino, Paradise of the birds by Roelant Savery, The judgement of Paris by Joachim Wtewael, Annunciation and Conversion of Paul by South Netherlandish Master, Vanitas by Jan Denens and Still life by Jan Foppens van Es, all returned to Belgium after the war.

Musées royaux des Beaux-Arts de Belgique Brussels
(Royal Museums of Fine Arts Belgium): Cultural Goods World War ll Database: 24 works of art listed, all returned to Belgium after the war and 21 of which went through the MCCP; also Database of some works in their collection with images

Rubenshuis Antwerp (Rubens House Antwerp): War Art in the Collection page (in Dutch only) listing 8 paintings returned to Belgium after the war: Portrait of a man former attributed to Cornelis de Vos, Wreath of fruits with Our Lady in grisaille by Frans Snijders, Landscape with cows by Lucas van Uden, Pastoral by Jan Wildens and Victor ll Wolfvoet, The Lamentation, The Commission in the temple, Neptune and Amphitrite, and Moses and his Ethiopian wife Seporah by Jacob Jordaens

Museum voor Schone Kunsten, Gent (Museum of Fine Arts Ghent): Provenance research page listing five paintings with images - Carrying the Cross by Monogrammist DR, Village Lawyer after Pieter ll Breughel, 1621, Landscape with a farmhouse by Pieter de Bloot, and Feast of St George by Gillis l Mostaert, all returned to Belgium after the war.

M-Museum Leuven: Provenance research page listing one painting, Legend of St Quentin by anonymous South Netherlandish painter, previously attributed to Jan ll Van Rillaer and Bernard Van Orley, returned to Belgium via MCCP after the war

Museum Hof van Busleyden, Mechelen: Provenance research page (in Dutch only) listing one painting, Adoration of the shepherds by Pieter Coecke van Aelst, returned to Belgium after the war


Artefacts Canada: Database of Canadian museums with more than 4 million painting and object records and more than 1 million images

Art Gallery of Ontario: Spoliation research page, including a list of 52 works with gaps in their provenance; also Database of 95,000 works in their collection with images 

Beaverbrook Art Gallery: Spoliation research page, including a list of 15 paintings with images with gaps in their provenance

Montreal Museum of Fine Arts: Provenance research page, including a list of 109 works with images with gaps in their provenance; also Database of 6,288 works in their collection with images

National Gallery of Canada: Provenance research page with an image gallery of paintings with incomplete provenance; also Database of 96,886 works in their collection with images

Vancouver Art Gallery: Research page with a with a list of seven artworks in the collection with missing provenance from 1933-1945

Czech Republic:

Moravská galerie v BrnÄ› (Moravian Gallery in Brno): Database of 196,976 objects in their collection with images

Národní galerie v Praze (National Gallery in Prague): Database of 3,511 works in their collection with images


Ribe Kunstmuseum: Database of the entire collection of 1,444 works of Danish art from 1750 to 1950:


Ateneum Art Museum Helsinki, part of the Finish National Gallery: Provenance research page with a list of works with gaps in their provenance; also Database of the Finnish National Museums with 43,432 works with images

Kansallisgalleria (Finnish National Gallery): Database of 74,550 works of five Finnish Art Museums (Ateneum, Museum of Contemporary Art, Sinebrychoff Art Museum, the Finnish National Gallery’s Collections and State Art Commission) with images

Finna: Database of Finnish archives, libraries and 64 museums with 16,075,521 records


Musée du Louvre (The Louvre): Database of all 480,000 works in their collection with images including the MNR works (overview at; also the Louvre Department of Prints and Drawings (Musée du Louvre Département des arts graphiques) Database of 250,000 drawings and graphic works in their collection with images

Palais des Beaux Arts (Palace of Fine Arts) Lille: Database of 4,262 works in their collection with images

Musée d’Orsay: Database of some works in their collection with images


Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen (Bavarian State Paintings Collections): Provenance research page including documents on restituted objects; also Database of 25,000 works in their collection with images

Staatliche Museen zu Berlin (Berlin State Museums): Provenance research page with details on completed and ongoing research projects; also Database of 180,000 from 15 institutions with images

  • Antike Bronzen in Berlin (Ancient Bronzes in Berlin): Database of 8,200 objects with images acquired by 1945  

Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden (Dresden State Collections): Provenance research page, including 209 works with images which are listed in ‘Rechercheobjekte NS-Kontext’ (Research object Nazi context), 96 works with images listed in ‘Rechercheobjekte aus der ‘Schlossbergung’ ‘(Research objects ‘Castle Recovery’), 405 works with images listed in ‘Rechercheobjekte mit ungeklärter Herkunft’ (Research objects with unknown origin), 342 works with images listed in ‘Restitutionen’ (Restitutions), 534 works with images listed in Vermisste Werke’ (Missing works); also Database of 247,867 of 1,263,518 artworks in their collection with images

Germanisches Nationalmuseum Nürnberg: Provenance research page; also Database of 83,151 objects in their collection with 74,624 images

Kunsthalle Bremen: Provenance research page; also Database of all works in their collection acquired before 2014 with images

Kunsthalle Hamburg
: Provenance research page, including the pdf Restitutionen seit 2000 (a pdf of restituted works from 2000 to 2015) and a section with searchable details of 51 artworks with unclear provenance; also Database of 50,568 works in their collection with images

Kunsthalle Karlsruhe: Provenance research page; also Database of 7,974 objects in their collection with images

Kunsthalle Kiel: Provenance research page, also 301-page searchable dossier with full results of provenance research into 85 paintings and 9 sculptures

Kulturelles Erbe Köln (Cologne Cultural Heritage): Database of works in all Cologne museums and public collections with images

Staatliches Museum Schwerin (State Museum Schwerin): Provenance research page, including ‘Verzeichnis der Erwerbung und Überweisungen des Mecklenburgischen Landesmuseums von 1933 bis 1945’ (an 18-page list of works with unknown provenance which entered their collection between 1933 and 1945) and ‘Verzeichnis der nach 1945 dem Staatlichen Museum Schwerin zugekommene herrenlosen bzw. enteigneten Gemälden und Plastiken’ (a 61-page list of works with unknown provenance which entered their collection after 1945); also BPK-bildagentur lists 1,636 artworks in the museum collection with images.


Hunt Museum Limerick: Provenance papers page; also Database of some works in their collection with images

National Gallery of Ireland: Provenance research page; also Database of  13,500 works in their collection with images


Israel Museum Jerusalem: Provenance research page; also World War II Provenance Research Online;  also The Stieglitz Collection: Masterpieces of Jewish Art; also Database of some objects in their collection with images


Musée Nationale d’Histoire et d’Art Luxembourg: Database of 230 works in their collection with images


Accademia Carrara (Carrara Academy), Bergamo: Database of 1,566 artworks in their collection with images

Collezione Peggy Guggenheim (Peggy Guggenheim Collection), Venice: Database of some objects in their collection with images

Galleria Borghese (Borghese Gallery), Rome: Database of 504 artworks in their collection with images

Musei Reali (Royal Museums), Turin: Database of some works in their collection with images:


Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam: Provenance research page, including a report on the provenance research into the collection of Dr Fritz Mannheimer: also Database of 640,133 works in their collection with images


Henie Onstad Kunstsenter (HOK)List of 18 works in their collection with unknown provenance


Muzeum Narodowe w Warzawie (National Museum of Warsaw): Database of 59,589 objects in their collection with images 


Umenia: Database of 144,140 works of artworks from the collections of Slovak galleries registered in the Central Register of Artworks.


Museo de Bellas Artes de Bilbao (Bilbao Fine Arts Museum): Database of 3,266 works in their collection with images

Prado Museum, Madrid: Database of 6,063 works in their collection with images 


Kunstmuseum Basel: Provenance research page, including Final report and list of works of their Project Provenance Research 2016-2018; also Database of 5,000 works in their collection with images, including 380 works under provenance investigation 


Ashmolean Museum of Art and Archaeology: Provenance research page; and Database of 191,500 of 250,000 objects in their collection with images

ArtUK: Database of 200,000 oil paintings, watercolours and works on paper in UK public and private collections

British Museum: Wartime provenance page, including a 590-page list of continental drawings with uncertain 1933-1945 provenance and a 1,105-page list of list of British drawings with uncertain 1933-1945 provenance

V&A Museum: Database of 1,238,112 works in their collection with 751,366 with images


Art Institute of Chicago: Provenance research page; also Database of works in their collection with images                                                               

Cantor Arts Center, Stanford University: Provenance research page; also Database of more than 38,000 works in their collection with images

Chrysler Museum of Art, Norfolk, Virginia: Provenance research page; also Database of 30,259 works in their collection with images

Cleveland Museum of Art: Nazi-Era Provenance page and 471 works with incomplete provenance; also Database of works in their collection with images

Detroit Institute of Arts: Provenance research page; also Database of some works in their collection with images

Getty Provenance Index Database: Database including descriptions and provenance of works of art 1500-1990 in UK and US public collections

Sidney and Lois Eskenazi Museum of Art at the Indiana University: Provenance research page, including works with incomplete provenance; also Database of works in their collection with images

Indianapolis Museum of Art: World War II-era Provenance research page, and World War II-era Provenance Research Database; also Database of 25,768 works in their collection with images:

Jewish Museum, New York: Provenance research page, including List of works which are included in the Nazi-Era Provenance Research Project; also Database of some works in their collection with images

Joslyn Art Museum: Provenance research page, including a 9-page searchable list of works with unknown provenance

Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York: Provenance research project page and Provenance Research Project Database; also Database of 457,000 works in their collection with images

Museum of Fine Arts, Boston: Nazi-Era Provenance Research page, including a list of works currently under investigation; also Database of some works in their collection with images

Museum of Modern Art, New York: Provenance research page and List of works included in the Provenance Research Project; also Database of 89,000 works in their collection with images

National Gallery of Art, Washington DC:WWII research page; also Database of 51,000 images of works in their collection with images

Philadelphia Museum of Art: Provenance research page and works with incomplete provenance between 1932 and 1946; also Database of 143,380 of over 240,000 works in their collection with images:

St Louis Art Museum: Provenance research page; also Database of over 5,499 of 34,000 works in their collection with images

Seattle Art Museum: Database of works in their collection with images and 66 objects with gaps in their provenance or unknown provenance

Smithsonian:Provenance research page; also Database of 10 million works online with images

The John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art: Provenance research page, and Database of 24 works included in the 'Provenance Project'; also Database of 54,448 works in their collection some with images

Toledo Museum of Art: Provenance and repatriation research page, including expandable sections ‘New Acquisitions’ and ‘Existing Collection’ listing works with incomplete provenance; also Database of 25,000 works in their collection with images

The Leiden Collection, New York: Online catalogue of a private collection in New York, with more than 175 paintings and drawings · 76 Gloucester Place · London WIU 6HJ · +44 (0)20 7487 3401
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